Friday, January 28, 2011

Annie's Financial Troubles...

So last week me and my three friends went to the mall and it's so depressing how I pretty much have to just watch my friends and follow them while there just buying all the things they like. I couldn't even pay for lunch at panda express,I had to go and walk over to McDonalds wich was SOOO embarrassing since McDonalds is like fat on a stick or in a cup or in a to-go box or whatever! main point is it's just nasty. Back to my actual main point is it's just really hard being "the poor one" of the buch. Sometimes I just think what did I doto deserve that. My friends don't care and don't judge because i'm not like a kid in Africa with one grain of rice but it's just hard because I compare myself to my friends not just finacialy but appearance wise too. Anyway that is ONE of my troubles in my teen life.

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