Friday, January 28, 2011

Annie's Financial Troubles...

So last week me and my three friends went to the mall and it's so depressing how I pretty much have to just watch my friends and follow them while there just buying all the things they like. I couldn't even pay for lunch at panda express,I had to go and walk over to McDonalds wich was SOOO embarrassing since McDonalds is like fat on a stick or in a cup or in a to-go box or whatever! main point is it's just nasty. Back to my actual main point is it's just really hard being "the poor one" of the buch. Sometimes I just think what did I doto deserve that. My friends don't care and don't judge because i'm not like a kid in Africa with one grain of rice but it's just hard because I compare myself to my friends not just finacialy but appearance wise too. Anyway that is ONE of my troubles in my teen life.

Gabby's Teen Life Troubles on Appearance

My biggest trouble in my teen life right now feels like my looks. I have pimples all over my forehead and I absolutly hate it!!! Not only that I have redish/orangish hair. And YES, I HATE it, and my mom won't let me get highlights. Like seriously c'mon mom!?! People call me a "ginger". Also this doesn't have to do with my looks but I have to go to a school and there aren't very many people I like there. One girl always follows me and expects me to be her friend, she thinks just because we carpool to school that were are "BFFs"! She is sooo rude! She will put her feet up on the seats, talk trash about gays, and just gossip. Ughh teen troubles :/
